MasterClass on Critical Thinking

To view course price please select intake date below.

Next Intake Date Range: 15-17 September 2025


Critical thinking is one of the top skills identified by the World Economic Forum as what companies want to see in their employees. Critical thinking is described as disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence that will help individuals respond to the rapid rate of change in technology, business and education.
This short course aims to provide critical thinking strategies that can be applied to situations that call for reflection, processing and evaluation of information.


Participants are required to complete this course within 3 months from date of registration.


FPD will award participants with a certificate of completion for this course, should they successfully complete the assessment process.


Participants are assessed through means of a multiple-choice Questionnaire.

Course Content

The following topics are included in this short course:

  • Module 1: Defining Critical Thinking.
  • Module 2: How we Think.
  • Module 3: Cognitive Biases.
  • Module 4: Improving Critical Thinking.

Course Design

This course is offered as online e-learning. The course is structured in short modules that can be done at the participants own time.

Exit Level Outcomes

On achieving this course, a learner will be able to:

  • Define critical thinking.
  • Distinguish between System 1 and System 2 thinking.
  • Analyse cognitive biases.
  • Design systems to compensate for cognitive biases.
  • Generate strategies to support critical thinking.

Who Should Enrol

Any individual who has identified a need to develop their critical thinking skills. For example, managers across variety of sectors.