MMC Sustain Project

The Foundation for Professional Development and Genesis Analytics have been contracted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support the National Department of Health to scale-up Medical Male Circumcision (MMC) and to ensure that the programme is sustainable. This work will be carried out through the MMC SUSTAIN (Medical Male Circumcision Scale Up and Sustainability to Avert New HIV Infections) programme from October 2018 until December 2021. MMC SUSTAIN will support both national and sub-national levels to achieve the following results:

  • Improved performance against negotiated MMC targets
  • Increased capacity of systems users at all levels to plan, manage and execute MMC services efficiently, effectively and at scale; • Better planned, resourced, integrated and locally-tailored MMC programmes
  • Strengthened oversight and coordination of the MMC programme in line with the NSP, APPs, DHPs and DIPs
  • Strengthened ownership, coordination and communication between the three health system layers and with other key in support of an integrated MMC response
  • Strengthened domestic resource planning and absorption capacity, including enhanced RT35 contracting models;
  • Improved quality of MMC service delivery and more efficient compliance monitoring structures
  • Strengthened MMC information management, M&E, analytics and data use
  • More resilient local systems that are better prepared for donor transition; and
  • Increased evidence-base and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned.