Technical Assistance SI

About Us

Technical assistance to improve strategic information focuses on strengthening data management systems, namely the SAG, DHIS, and, implementation of the District Health Management Information System (DHMIS) policy and the use of quality epidemiological and programme information to inform planning, policy, and decisionmaking. It is a cross-cutting Department that provide focused technical assistance internally to FPD programs and initiatives, DOH and NGOs to ensure appropriate M&E is linked to all major activities.


Ensure compliance with programme strategy, stated goals and objectives, and key deliverables through appropriate data use:

  1. Monitor achievements towards district and programmatic targets on a monthly and quarterly basis to ensure that programme goals and objectives are being met via implementation of planned activities.
  2. Standardize and define data use forums, structures, tools and intended outcomes.
  3. Use information collected feedback on progress of implementation and results achieved, to identify and rectify early indicators of problems and to ensure programme appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency.
  4. Ensure responsiveness to programme stakeholders by collecting, processing and providing valid, reliable and timely information, to assess whether the benefits are resulting in systems changes and measurable improvements in health outcomes
  5. Assess whether the interventions are contributing to achievement of the defined strategic objectives.
  6. Ensure availability of data to document the baseline and changes in terms of programme strategy areas that can be directly and indirectly attributed to FPD’s technical assistance contribution and its health systems strengthening approach. Strengthen the quality of program M&E data collected in order to improve the quality of health services provided and the use of data for decision making

Provide technical assistance based on the results of needs assessments and requests in the following areas:

  1. Support the development, implementation and revision of M&E tools to monitor and evaluate progress against FPD (including PEPFAR) and Department of Health priority programmes and projects;
  2. Audit existing M&E tools and systems to streamline and synchronise M&E data collection and collation processes;
  3. Develop and implement strategic information tools to assist with the effective and efficient use of information from facility up to headquarters level;
  4. Strengthen and use existing governmental data management systems to enhance monitoring of service provision and to streamline data collection, dissemination and use;
  5. Routinely assess quality of reported data and the collection process and provide tailored feedback to FPD and DOH structures at facility, district and headquarters levels; Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Plan 12
  6. Support data analysis, presentation and use of routinely collected data to support decision-making, program planning and data use for health systems management improvement in FPD and DOH performance management structures;
  7. Implement program evaluations (through formal evaluation methods and action research) as needed to assess program effectiveness, results achieved Provide routine mentoring/training to facility and district counterparts to ensure that data collected, collated and reported into the district health information system (HIS) is valid, reliable, accurate, precise, timely and full of integrity
Compass Logo

Compass Project

Compass Project is an FPD initiative that assists communities to respond effectively to HIV and AIDS through identification of the need, mapping of service provision and capacity building activities to improve the response through GIS maps, service directories and "app-based" products. Compass Project promotes the philosophy that in order to have an effective response to the HIV epidemic, a coordinated mobilization of all resources in a specific community is required.

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